all writing



    1. Trading Liberties: Estimating COVID-19 Policy Preferences from Conjoint Data
      Felix HartmannMacartan Humphreys, Ferdinand Geissler, Heike Klüver, and 1 more author
      Political Analysis 2023
    2. CUP
      Integrated Inferences: Causal Models for Qualitative and Mixed-Method Research
      Macartan Humphreys, and Alan M Jacobs
    3. PUP
      Research Design in the Social Sciences: Declaration, Diagnosis, and Redesign
      Graeme BlairAlexander Coppock, and Macartan Humphreys
    4. Political salience and regime resilience
      Sebastian Schweighofer-KodritschSteffen Huck, and Macartan Humphreys
    5. Making, Updating, and Querying Causal Models using CausalQueries
      Till TietzLily Medina, Georgiy Syunyaev, and Macartan Humphreys


    1. SMR
      Bounding causes of effects with mediators
      Philip Dawid, Macartan Humphreys, and Monica Musio
      Sociological Methods & Research 2022
    2. PLOS
      Public support for global vaccine sharing in the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from Germany
      Ferdinand Geissler, Felix HartmannMacartan HumphreysHeike Klüver, and 1 more author
      PLOS ONE 2022
    3. Political violence and endogenous growth
      Macartan Humphreys
      World Development 2022


    1. NatMed
      COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance and Hesitancy in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
      Julio S. Solı́s Arce, Shana S. WarrenNiccolò F. MeriggiAlexandra Scacco, and 70 more authors
      Nature Medicine 2021
    2. PNAS
      Incentives can spur COVID-19 vaccination uptake
      Heike KlüverFelix HartmannMacartan Humphreys, Ferdinand Geissler, and 1 more author
      Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2021
    3. SciAdv
      Falling living standards during the COVID-19 crisis: Quantitative evidence from nine developing countries
      Dennis Egger, Edward Miguel, Shana S. Warren, Ashish Shenoy, and 22 more authors
      Science advances 2021


    1. The aggregation challenge
      Macartan Humphreys, and Alexandra Scacco
      World Development 2020
    2. Information technology and political engagement: Mixed evidence from Uganda
      Guy GrossmanMacartan Humphreys, and Gabriella Sacramone-Lutz
      The Journal of Politics 2020
    3. Chapter
      Field experiments, theory, and external validity
      Anna Wilke, and Macartan Humphreys
      SAGE Handbook of Research Methods in Political Science and International Relations 2020
    4. Political and social correlates of covid-19 mortality
      Constantin Manuel Bosancianu, Kim Yi Dionne, Hanno Hilbig, Macartan Humphreys, and 3 more authors


    1. CUP
      Information, accountability, and cumulative learning: Lessons from Metaketa I
      Thad DunningGuy GrossmanMacartan HumphreysSusan D Hyde, and 2 more authors
    2. CUP
      Learning about cumulative learning: An experiment with policy practitioners
      Gareth Nellis, Thad DunningGuy GrossmanMacartan Humphreys, and 3 more authors
    3. SciAdv
      Voter information campaigns and political accountability: Cumulative findings from a preregistered meta-analysis of coordinated trials
      Thad DunningGuy GrossmanMacartan HumphreysSusan D Hyde, and 7 more authors
      Science advances 2019
    4. JDE
      Exporting democratic practices: Evidence from a village governance intervention in Eastern Congo
      Macartan HumphreysRaul Sanchez de la Sierra, and Peter Windt
      Journal of Development Economics 2019
    5. Declaring and diagnosing research designs
      Graeme BlairJasper CooperAlexander Coppock, and Macartan Humphreys
      American Political Science Review 2019
    6. CPS
      Citizen attitudes toward traditional and state authorities: substitutes or complements?
      Peter WindtMacartan HumphreysLily Medina, Jeffrey F Timmons, and 1 more author
      Comparative Political Studies 2019
    7. Can the government deter discrimination? Evidence from a randomized intervention in New York City
      Albert H Fang, Andrew M Guess, and Macartan Humphreys
      The Journal of Politics 2019


    1. JDE
      Gender quotas in development programming: Null results from a field experiment in Congo
      Peter WindtMacartan Humphreys, and Raul Sanchez Sierra
      Journal of Development Economics 2018
    2. OUP
      Why do women co-operate more in women’s groups?
      James D Fearon, Macartan Humphreys, and  others
      Towards Gender Equity in Development 2018


    1. IJE
      Commentary: Biases in the assessment of long-run effects of deworming
      Macartan Humphreys
      International Journal of Epidemiology 2017
    2. Qualitative Inference from Causal Models
      Macartan Humphreys, and Alan Jacobs


    1. Norton
      Political Games
      Macartan Humphreys
    2. Crowdseeding in Eastern Congo: Using cell phones to collect conflict events data in real time
      Peter Windt, and Macartan Humphreys
      Journal of Conflict Resolution 2016
    3. Why a Bayesian researcher might prefer observational data
      Macartan Humphreys


    1. Mixing methods: A Bayesian approach
      Macartan Humphreys, and Alan M Jacobs
      American Political Science Review 2015
    2. How does development assistance affect collective action capacity? Results from a field experiment in post-conflict Liberia
      James D Fearon, Macartan Humphreys, and Jeremy M Weinstein
      American Political Science Review 2015
    3. Science
      Promoting an open research culture
      Brian A Nosek, George Alter, George C Banks, Denny Borsboom, and 7 more authors
      Science 2015
    4. JGDev
      Reflections on the ethics of social experimentation
      Macartan Humphreys
      Journal of Globalization and Development 2015
    5. Does registration reduce publication bias? Evidence from medical sciences
      Albert Fang, Grant Gordon, and Macartan Humphreys


    1. “I wld like u WMP to extend electricity 2 our village”: On Information Technology and Interest Articulation
      Guy GrossmanMacartan Humphreys, and Gabriella Sacramone-Lutz
      American Political Science Review 2014
    2. EJ
      The elements of political persuasion: Content, charisma and cue
      Torun Dewan, Macartan Humphreys, and Daniel Rubenson
      The Economic Journal 2014
    3. Science
      Promoting transparency in social science research
      Edward Miguel, Colin Camerer, Katherine Casey, Joshua Cohen, and 7 more authors
      Science 2014


    1. Fishing, commitment, and communication: A proposal for comprehensive nonbinding research registration
      Macartan Humphreys, Raul Sanchez Sierra, and Peter Windt
      Political Analysis 2013


    1. Policing Politicians: Citizen Empowerment and Political Accountability in Uganda
      Macartan Humphreys, and Jeremy Weinstein
    2. Social and Economic Impacts of Tuungane: Final Report on the Effects of a Community Driven Reconstruction Program in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
      Macartan HumphreysRaul Sanchez de la Sierra, and Peter Windt


    1. IPS
      Can compactness constrain the gerrymander?
      Macartan Humphreys
      Irish Political Studies 2011
    2. Cambridge UP
      Ethnicity and the Politics of AIDS: A Discussion of Boundaries of Contagion: How Ethnic Politics Have Shaped Government Responses to AIDS
      Macartan Humphreys
      Perspectives on Politics 2011


    1. Spatial models, cognitive metrics, and majority rule equilibria
      Macartan Humphreys, and Michael Laver
      British Journal of Political Science 2010
    2. Technology Diffusion and Social Networks: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Uganda
      Jiehua Chen, Macartan Humphreys, and Vijay Modi


    1. RSF
      Coethnicity: diversity and the dilemmas of collective action
      James HabyarimanaMacartan Humphreys, Daniel N Posner, and Jeremy M Weinstein
    2. Field experiments and the political economy of development
      Macartan Humphreys, and Jeremy M Weinstein
      Annual Review of Political Science 2009
    3. AER-PP
      Can development aid contribute to social cohesion after civil war? Evidence from a field experiment in post-conflict Liberia
      James D Fearon, Macartan Humphreys, and Jeremy M Weinstein
      American Economic Review 2009
    4. Bounds on least squares estimates of causal effects in the presence of heterogeneous assignment probabilities
      Macartan Humphreys
    5. Community-based Reintegration in Aceh
      Patrick Barron, Macartan Humphreys, laura Paler, and Jeremy Weinstein


    1. FAffair
      Better institutions, not partition
      James HabyarimanaMacartan HumphreysDaniel Posner, and Jeremy Weinstein
      Foreign Affairs 2008
    2. Coalitions
      Macartan Humphreys
      Annu. Rev. Polit. Sci. 2008
    3. SChW
      Existence of a multicameral core
      Macartan Humphreys
      Social Choice and Welfare 2008
    4. Who fights? The determinants of participation in civil war
      Macartan Humphreys, and Jeremy M Weinstein
      American Journal of Political Science 2008


    1. Columbia UP
      Escaping the resource curse
      Macartan Humphreys, Jeffrey D Sachs, and Joseph E Stiglitz
    2. Why does ethnic diversity undermine public goods provision?
      James HabyarimanaMacartan Humphreys, Daniel N Posner, and Jeremy M Weinstein
      American Political Science Review 2007
    3. Demobilization and reintegration
      Macartan Humphreys, and Jeremy M Weinstein
      Journal of conflict resolution 2007
    4. PubChoice
      Strategic ratification
      Macartan Humphreys
      Public Choice 2007
    5. chapter
      The political economy of natural resource funds
      Macartan Humphreys, and Martin E Sandbu


    1. The role of leaders in democratic deliberations: results from a field experiment in São Tomé and Prı́ncipe
      Macartan Humphreys, William A Masters, and Martin E Sandbu
      World Politics 2006
    2. Handling and manhandling civilians in civil war
      Macartan Humphreys, and Jeremy M Weinstein
      American Political Science Review 2006
    3. Social focal points
      James HabyarimanaMacartan HumphreysDaniel Posner, and Jeremy Weinstein


    1. Political institutions and economic policies: Lessons from Africa
      Macartan Humphreys, and Robert Bates
      British Journal of Political Science 2005
    2. Natural resources, conflict, and conflict resolution: Uncovering the mechanisms
      Macartan Humphreys
      Journal of conflict resolution 2005
    3. chapter
      Senegal and Mali
      Macartan Humphreys, and Habaye Ag Mohamed


    1. RTM
      Aspects économiques des guerres civiles
      Macartan Humphreys
      Revue tiers monde 2003
    2. Economics and violent conflict
      Macartan Humphreys