Bounds given different values of \(\tau\) and \(\rho\)
markov <- function(t, r) matrix(c(t-r+1, 1-t-r, 1-t+r, 1+t+r)/2, 2, 2)
bounds_T <- function(T) {
L <- function(T) max(0, (T[2,2] - T[1,2])/T[2,2])
H <- function(T) min(1, T[1,1]/T[2,2])
tau <- T[2,2] - T[1,2]
rho <- T[2,2] - T[1,1]
T2 <- markov(tau^.5, rho/(1+tau^.5))
best_het <- function(T) matrix(c(
min(1, T[1,2]*2),
2*T[1,2] - min(1, T[1,2]*2),
2*T[2,2] - min(1, T[2,2]*2),
min(1, T[2,2]*2)),
2, 2)
best_het_bounds <- function(T){
M <- best_het(T)
M1 <- matrix(c(1 - M[1,], M[1,]), 2, 2)
M2 <- matrix(c(1 - M[2,], M[2,]), 2, 2)
c(L= (M[2,2]/(M[1,2] + M[2,2]))*L(M2)+
(M[1,2]/(M[1,2] + M[2,2]))*L(M1),
H = (M[2,2]/(M[1,2] + M[2,2]))*H(M2) +
(M[1,2]/(M[1,2] + M[2,2]))*H(M1))
rbind(simple = c(L(T), H(T)),
unobserved = c(L(T), L(T)),
monotone = c(L(T), L(T)),
two_step_homog = c(L(T2)^2, H(T2^2)),
inifinte_homog = c(tau^{.5*(1 + rho/(1-tau))}, min(1, tau^{rho/(1-tau)})),
best_lower = c(T[1,1], T[1,1]),
best_cov_un = c(L = H(T), H = H(T)),
best_cov_ob = c(1,1)
bound_names = c("Simple bounds",
"Unobserved mediators",
"Two step homogeneous",
"Infinite step homogeneous",
"Best (positive) mediator",
"Best (unobserved) covariate",
"Best (observed) covariate")
# rho_values <- round(c(-2/3, -1/3, 0, 1/3, 2/3),2)
rho_values <- round(c(-.5, 0, .5),2)
bounds_list <- lapply(rho_values,
function(rho){, lapply(c(.1, .25), function(tau){
T <- markov(tau, rho)
bounds <-
bounds$rho <- as.factor(rho)
bounds$tau <- as.factor(tau)
bounds$label <- rownames(bounds)
df <-, bounds_list)
df$names <- rep(bound_names, nrow(df)/length(unique(df$label)))
# fig() gives a few options for plotting:
# `bw = TRUE` plots grey colors
# `grid = TRUE` plots grid with values of tau (0.1 and 0.5) as columns and rho values as rows
# note : `grid = FALSE` requires subsetting data to given value of tau
# shape = TRUE shows shape aesthetics
fig <- function(dat = df){
dat$names <- factor(dat$names, levels = rev(bound_names))
dat$rho <- paste("rho ==", dat$rho);
dat$tau <- paste("tau ==", dat$tau)
dat$rho <- factor(dat$rho, levels = paste0("rho == ", rho_values))
ggplot(data=dat, aes(x = names, ymin = L, ymax = H, color=names)) +
geom_point(aes(y = L), position = position_dodge(.8)) +
geom_point(aes(y = H), position = position_dodge(.8)) +
geom_linerange(position = position_dodge(.8)) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)) +
coord_flip(ylim = c(0,1)) +
theme_bw() +
guides(col = guide_legend(ncol = 2)) +
labs(y = "Probability of causation", x = "", shape = "\u03C1", colour = "\u03C1") +
theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
facet_grid(rho ~ tau, labeller = label_parsed) +
theme(legend.position = "none") +
scale_color_grey(start = .6, end = 0)