A humanitarian community of practice
- Stock taking
- Challenges
- Models for a community of practice
Stock taking
We (you!) are in a very good place
- Talented people
- Institutional support
- Momentum
A moment for consolidation
Some recollections
- DDR, Sierra Leone 2003 / CDR started (2005-)
- Many early failures: Sudan 2005, Haiti 2006, Unicef Mano 2008
- Resistance, protectionism, inertia
- HQ, field crossed wires
- Confusion about the ability to identify causal effects
- Resistance to cross-case inference
- On our side: Weaker methods, lower standards
Change makers
- Pioneers: 3IE, IRC, DIME
- DfID did remarkable things
Rich set of high quality studies
Delivered by broad range of actors
Being picked up and used
Broad agreement on standards of transparent production, analysis, and sharing
Struck by how little fundamental disagreement here
Some challenges
- Accountability and learning; weight shifted to learning
- Execution: It’s so costly! (but Florence: not so much!)
- The basic idea is so easy: But it’s very very hard to get this right. Seeing creative uses of partnerships.
- Ethics: a lot of thought going into this
- Welcome focus on the “internal” aspect, but
- Fundamental heterogeneity (external validity) is a great challenge
- We already know the answers!
- Still: now more optimistic than ever
A focus on external validity
Three approaches:
- Theoretical structure
- Systematic cross case variation
Both require a form of coordination
A focus on external validity
Light model
Continue as you are; things may continue to improve
- But gains from coordination not maximized
- Risks of loss of what has been gained
Ambitious model
Form some kind of more institutionalized community of practice for humanitarian impact evaluation (COPHIE!)
Example community in governance and politics interventions
EGAP (Evidence in Governance and Politics) model
EGAP model: Transfer
EGAP model: Methods
EGAP model: Initiatives
- Metaketas –like WFP windows: Plan to pool principle
- Mostly based on public goods
- A lot of interest in cross community learning
- But core external funding provided to make it stable and support infrastructures
Possible activities:
- Peer review: #1
- Regular meetings
- Ad hoc sessions at design stage
- Plan to pool principle
- Joint windows
- Coordinated site selection
- Library of shared instruments and code
- Bells and whistles
- Fellows model: statistical fellow
- Joint IRB
Common principles
(Take a leaf from IRC, 3ie)
- Ethical principles
- Publish all findings
- Learn from nulls
- Common costings approaches
- Truly inclusive: southern researchers, national governments
- Give credit back
- Shared learning agenda (keep it simple)
- Shared (or at least comparable) theories of change
- Tracking of beliefs and expectations
- Cochrane reports
If I were you
I would jump on this right now
If I were a funder
I would jump on this right now