Causal Inference

Topics I

Macartan Humphreys

1 Topics 1

2 Noncompliance and the LATE estimand

2.1 Local Average Treatment Effects

Sometimes you give a medicine but only a nonrandom sample of people actually try to use it. Can you still estimate the medicine’s effect?

X=0 X=1
Z=0 \(\overline{y}_{00}\) (\(n_{00}\)) \(\overline{y}_{01}\) (\(n_{01}\))
Z=1 \(\overline{y}_{10}\) (\(n_{10}\)) \(\overline{y}_{11}\) (\(n_{11}\))

Say that people are one of 3 types:

  1. \(n_a\) “always takers” have \(X=1\) no matter what and have average outcome \(\overline{y}_a\)
  2. \(n_n\) “never takers” have \(X=0\) no matter what with outcome \(\overline{y}_n\)
  3. \(n_c\) “compliers have” \(X=Z\) and average outcomes \(\overline{y}^1_c\) if treated and \(\overline{y}^0_c\) if not.

2.2 Local Average Treatment Effects

Sometimes you give a medicine but only a non random sample of people actually try to use it. Can you still estimate the medicine’s effect?

X=0 X=1
Z=0 \(\overline{y}_{00}\) (\(n_{00}\)) \(\overline{y}_{01}\) (\(n_{01}\))
Z=1 \(\overline{y}_{10}\) (\(n_{10}\)) \(\overline{y}_{11}\) (\(n_{11}\))

We can figure something about types:

\(X=0\) \(X=1\)
\(Z=0\) \(\frac{\frac{1}{2}n_c}{\frac{1}{2}n_c + \frac{1}{2}n_n} \overline{y}^0_{c}+\frac{\frac{1}{2}n_n}{\frac{1}{2}n_c + \frac{1}{2}n_n} \overline{y}_{n}\) \(\overline{y}_{a}\)
\(Z=1\) \(\overline{y}_{n}\) \(\frac{\frac{1}{2}n_c}{\frac{1}{2}n_c + \frac{1}{2}n_a} \overline{y}^1_{c}+\frac{\frac{1}{2}n_a}{\frac{1}{2}n_c + \frac{1}{2}n_a} \overline{y}_{a}\)

2.3 Local Average Treatment Effects

You give a medicine to 50% but only a non random sample of people actually try to use it. Can you still estimate the medicine’s effect?

\(X=0\) \(X=1\)
\(Z=0\) \(\frac{n_c}{n_c + n_n} \overline{y}^0_{c}+\frac{n_n}{n_c + n_n} \overline{y}_n\) \(\overline{y}_{a}\)
(n) (\(\frac{1}{2}(n_c + n_n)\)) (\(\frac{1}{2}n_a\))
\(Z=1\) \(\overline{y}_{n}\) \(\frac{n_c}{n_c + n_a} \overline{y}^1_{c}+\frac{n_a}{n_c + n_a} \overline{y}_{a}\)
(n) (\(\frac{1}{2}n_n\)) (\(\frac{1}{2}(n_a+n_c)\))

Key insight: the contributions of the \(a\)s and \(n\)s are the same in the \(Z=0\) and \(Z=1\) groups so if you difference you are left with the changes in the contributions of the \(c\)s.

2.4 Local Average Treatment Effects

Average in \(Z=0\) group: \(\frac{{n_c} \overline{y}^0_{c}+ \left(n_{n}\overline{y}_{n} +{n_a} \overline{y}_a\right)}{n_a+n_c+n_n}\)

Average in \(Z=1\) group: \(\frac{{n_c} \overline{y}^1_{c} + \left(n_{n}\overline{y}_{n} +{n_a} \overline{y}_a \right)}{n_a+n_c+n_n}\)

So, the difference is the ITT: \(({\overline{y}^1_c-\overline{y}^0_c})\frac{n_c}{n}\)

Last step:

\[ITT = ({\overline{y}^1_c-\overline{y}^0_c})\frac{n_c}{n}\]


\[LATE = \frac{ITT}{\frac{n_c}{n}}= \frac{\text{Intent to treat effect}}{\text{First stage effect}}\]

2.5 The good and the bad of LATE

  • You get a well-defined estimate even when there is non-random take-up
  • May sometimes be used to assess mediation or knock-on effects
  • But:
    • You need assumptions (monotonicity and the exclusion restriction – where were these used above?)
    • Your estimate is only for a subpopulation
    • The subpopulation is not chosen by you and is unknown
    • Different encouragements may yield different estimates since they may encourage different subgroups

2.6 Pearl and Chickering again

With and without an imposition of monotonicity


models <- 
  list(unrestricted =  make_model("Z -> X -> Y; X <-> Y"),
       restricted =  make_model("Z -> X -> Y; X <-> Y") |>
         set_restrictions("X[Z=1] < X[Z=0]")) |> 
  lapply(update_model,  data = lipids_data, refresh = 0) 

models |>
  query_model(query = list(CATE = "Y[X=1] - Y[X=0]", 
                           Nonmonotonic = "X[Z=1] < X[Z=0]"),
              given = list("X[Z=1] > X[Z=0]", TRUE),
              using = "posteriors") 

2.7 Pearl and Chickering again

With and without an imposition of monotonicity:

model query mean sd
unrestricted CATE 0.70 0.05
restricted CATE 0.71 0.05
unrestricted Nonmonotonic 0.01 0.01
restricted Nonmonotonic 0.00 0.00

In one case we assume monotonicity, in the other we update on it (easy in this case because of the empirically verifiable nature of one sided non compliance)

3 Diff in diff

Key idea: the evolution of units in the control group allow you to impute what the evolution of units in the treatment group would have been had they not been treated

3.1 Logic

We have group \(A\) that enters treatment at some point and group \(B\) that never does

The estimate:

\[\hat\tau = (\mathbb{E}[Y^A | post] - \mathbb{E}[Y^A | pre]) -(\mathbb{E}[Y^B | post] - \mathbb{E}[Y^B | pre])\] (how different is the change in \(A\) compared to the change in \(B\)?)

can be written:

\[\hat\tau = (\mathbb{E}[Y_1^A | post] - \mathbb{E}[Y_0^A | pre]) -(\mathbb{E}[Y_0^B | post] - \mathbb{E}[Y_0^B | pre])\]

3.2 Logic

Cleaning up

\[\hat\tau = (\mathbb{E}[Y_1^A | post] - \mathbb{E}[Y_0^A | pre]) -(\mathbb{E}[Y_0^B | post] - \mathbb{E}[Y_0^B | pre])\]

\[\hat\tau = (\mathbb{E}[Y_1^A | post] - \mathbb{E}[Y_0^A | post]) + ((\mathbb{E}[Y_0^A | post] - \mathbb{E}[Y_0^A | pre]) -(\mathbb{E}[Y_0^B | post] - \mathbb{E}[Y_0^B | pre]))\]

\[\hat\tau_{ATT} = \tau_{ATT} + \text{Difference in trends}\]

3.3 Simplest case

n_units <- 2
design <- 
    unit = add_level(N = n_units, I = 1:N),
    time = add_level(N = 6, T = 1:N, nest = FALSE),
    obs = cross_levels(by = join_using(unit, time))) +
  declare_model(potential_outcomes(Y ~ I + T^.5 + Z*T)) +
  declare_assignment(Z = 1*(I>(n_units/2))*(T>3)) +
  declare_measurement(Y = reveal_outcomes(Y~Z)) + 
  declare_inquiry(ATE = mean(Y_Z_1 - Y_Z_0),
                  ATT = mean(Y_Z_1[Z==1] - Y_Z_0[Z==1])) +
  declare_estimator(Y ~ Z, label = "naive") + 
  declare_estimator(Y ~ Z + I, label = "FE1") + 
  declare_estimator(Y ~ Z + as.factor(T), label = "FE2") + 
  declare_estimator(Y ~ Z + I + as.factor(T), label = "FE3")  

3.4 Diagnosis

Here only the two way fixed effects is unbiased and only for the ATT.

The ATT here is averaging over effects for treated units (later periods only). We know nothing about the size of effects in earlier periods when all units are in control!

design |> diagnose_design() 
Inquiry Estimator Bias
ATE FE1 2.25
ATE FE2 6.50
ATE FE3 1.50
ATE naive 5.40
ATT FE1 0.75
ATT FE2 5.00
ATT FE3 0.00
ATT naive 3.90

3.5 The classic graph

design |> 
  draw_data() |>
  ggplot(aes(T, Y, color = unit)) + geom_line() +
       geom_point(aes(T, Y_Z_0)) + theme_bw()

3.6 Extends to multiple units easily

design |> redesign(n_units = 10) |> diagnose_design() 
Inquiry Estimator Bias
ATE FE1 2.25
ATE FE2 6.50
ATE FE3 1.50
ATE naive 5.40
ATT FE1 0.75
ATT FE2 5.00
ATT FE3 0.00
ATT naive 3.90

3.7 Extends to multipe units easily

design |> 
  redesign(n_units = 10) |>  
  draw_data() |> 
  ggplot(aes(T, Y, color = unit)) + geom_line() +
       geom_point(aes(T, Y_Z_0)) + theme_bw()

3.8 In practice

  • Need to defend parallel trends
  • Most typically using an event study
  • Sometimes: report balance between treatment and control groups in covariates
  • Placebo leads and lags

3.9 Heterogeneity

  • Things get much more complicated when there is (a) heterogeneous timing in treatment take up and (b) heterogeneous effects

  • It’s only recently been appreciated how tricky things can get

  • But we already have an intuition from our analysis of trials with heterogeneous assignment and heterogeneous effects:

  • in such cases fixed effects analysis weights stratum level treatment effects by the variance in assignment to treatment

  • something similar here

3.10 Staggared assignments

Just two units assigned at different times:

trend = 0

design <- 
    unit = add_level(N = 2, ui = rnorm(N), I = 1:N),
    time = add_level(N = 6, ut = rnorm(N), T = 1:N, nest = FALSE),
    obs = cross_levels(by = join_using(unit, time))) +
    potential_outcomes(Y ~ trend*T + (1+Z)*(I == 2))) +
  declare_assignment(Z = 1*((I == 1) * (T>3) + (I == 2) * (T>5))) +
  declare_measurement(Y = reveal_outcomes(Y~Z), 
                      I_c = I - mean(I)) +
  declare_inquiry(mean(Y_Z_1 - Y_Z_0)) +
  declare_estimator(Y ~ Z, label = "1. naive") + 
  declare_estimator(Y ~ Z + I, label = "2. FE1") + 
  declare_estimator(Y ~ Z + as.factor(T), label = "3. FE2") + 
  declare_estimator(Y ~ Z + I + as.factor(T), label = "4. FE3") + 
  declare_estimator(Y ~ Z*I_c + as.factor(T), label = "5. Sat")  

3.11 Staggared assignments diagnosis

Estimator Mean Estimand Mean Estimate
1. naive 0.50 -0.12
(0.00) (0.00)
2. FE1 0.50 0.36
(0.00) (0.00)
3. FE2 0.50 -1.00
(0.00) (0.00)
4. FE3 0.50 0.25
(0.00) (0.00)
5. Sat 0.50 0.50
(0.00) (0.00)

3.12 Where do these numbers come?

  • The estimand is .5 – this comes from weighting the effect for unit 1 (0) and the effect for unit 2 (1) equally

  • The naive estimate is wildly off because it does not take into account that units with different treatment shares have different average levels in outcomes

3.13 Where do these numbers come?

  • The estimate when we control for unit is 0.36: this comes from weighting the unit-stratum level effects according to the variance of assignment to each stratum:
design |> draw_data() |> group_by(unit) |> summarize(var = mean(Z)*(1-mean(Z))) |>
  mutate(weight = var/sum(var)) |> kable(digits = 2)
unit var weight
1 0.25 0.64
2 0.14 0.36

3.14 Where do these numbers come?

  • The estimate when we control for time is -1: this comes from weighting the time-stratum level effects according to the variance of assignment to each stratum
  • it weights periods 4 and 5 only and equally, yielding the difference in outcomes for unit 1 in treatment (0) and group 2 in control (1)
design |> draw_data()  |> group_by(time) |> summarize(var = mean(Z)*(1-mean(Z))) |>
  mutate(weight = var/sum(var)) |> kable(digits = 2)
time var weight
1 0.00 0.0
2 0.00 0.0
3 0.00 0.0
4 0.25 0.5
5 0.25 0.5
6 0.00 0.0

3.15 Where do these numbers come?

  • The estimate when we control for time and unit is 0.25

  • This is actually a lot harder to interpret:

  • We can figure out what it is from the “Goodman-Bacon decomposition” in Goodman-Bacon (2021)

3.16 Where do these numbers come?

3.17 Where do these numbers come?

In this case we can think of our data having the following structure:

y1 y2
pre 0 1
mid 0 1
post 0 2
  • the mid to pre diff in diff is (0-0) - (1-1) = 0 (group 2 serves as control)
  • the post to mid diff in diff is (2-1) - (0-0) = 1 (group 1 serves as control though already in treatment!)

TWFE gives a weighted average of these two, putting a 3/4 weight on the first and a 1/4 weight on the second

3.18 Two way fixed effects


\[\hat\beta^{DD} = \mu_{12}\hat\beta^{2 \times 2, 1}_{12} + (1-\mu_{12})\hat\beta^{2 \times 2, 2}_{12}\]

where \(\mu_{12} = \frac{1-\overline{Z_1}}{1-(\overline{Z_1}-\overline{Z_2})} = \frac{1-\frac36}{1-\left(\frac36-\frac16\right)} = \frac34\)

\[\frac34\hat\beta^{2 \times 2, 1}_{12} + \frac14 \hat\beta^{2 \times 2, 2}_{12}\] (weights formula from WP version)

3.19 Two way fixed effects


  • \(\hat\beta^{2 \times 2, 1}_{12}\) is \((\overline{y}_1^{MID(1,2)} - \overline{y}_1^{PRE(1)}) - (\overline{y}_2^{MID(1,2)} - \overline{y}_2^{PRE(1)})\)

which in the simple example without time trends is \((0 - 0) - (1-1) = 0\)

  • \(\hat\beta^{2 \times 2, 2}_{12}\) is \((\overline{y}_2^{POST(2)} - \overline{y}_2^{MID(1,2)}) - (\overline{y}_1^{POST(2)} - \overline{y}_1^{MID(1,2)})\)

which is \((2 - 1) - (0 - 0) = 1\)

3.20 A problem

So quite complex weighting of different comparisons

  • Units effectively get counted as both treatment and control units for different comparisons
  • Treated units counted as control units
  • Effectively negative weights on some quantities
  • Possible to have very poorly performing estimates

3.21 Solutions

  • Involve better specification of estimands
  • Use of comparisons directly relevant for the estimands
  • Imputation of control outcomes in treated units using data from appropriate control units only and then targetting estimands directly (Borusyak, Jaravel, and Spiess 2021)
  • Particular solution: focus on the effect of treatment at the time of first treatment / or time of switching: this usually involves a no carryover assumption (De Chaisemartin and d’Haultfoeuille 2020) also Imai and Kim (2021)

3.22 Solutions

See excellent review by Roth et al. (2023)


3.23 Chaisemartin and d’Haultfoeuille (2020).

design <- 
    unit = add_level(N = 4, I = 1:N),
    time = add_level(N = 8, T = 1:N, nest = FALSE),
    obs = cross_levels(by = join_using(unit, time),
                       potential_outcomes(Y ~ T + (1 + Z)*I))) +
  declare_assignment(Z = 1*(T > (I + 4))) +
    Y = reveal_outcomes(Y~Z),
    Z_lag = lag_by_group(Z, groups = unit, n = 1, order_by = T)) +
    ATT_switchers = mean(Y_Z_1 - Y_Z_0), 
    subset = Z == 1 & Z_lag == 0 & ! +
    Y = "Y",  G = "unit",  T = "T",  D = "Z",
    handler = label_estimator(rdss::did_multiplegt_tidy),
    inquiry = c("ATT_switchers"),
    label = "chaisemartin"

3.24 Chaisemartin and d’Haultfoeuille (2020)

Note the inquiry

run_design(design) |> kable(digits = 2)
Error: Error in step 5 (chaisemartin):
    Error in DIDmultiplegt::did_multiplegt(df = data, ...): argument "mode" is missing, with no default

3.25 Triple differencing

  • A response to concerns that double differencing is not enough is to triple difference

  • When you think that there may be a violation of parallel tends but you have other outcomes that would pick up the same difference in trends

  • See Olden and Møen (2022)

3.26 Triple differencing

You are interested in the effects of influx of refugees on right wing voting

  • You have (say more conservative) states with no refugees at any period
  • You have (say more liberal) states with refugees post 2016 only

You want to do differences in differences comparing these states before and after

  • However you worry that things change differntially in the conservative and liberal states: no parallel trends

  • but you can identify areas within states that are more or less likely to be exposed and compare differnces in differences in the exposed and unexposed groups.

3.27 Triple differencing


  • Two types of states: \(L \in \{0,1\}\), only \(L=1\) types get refugee influx
  • Two time periods: \(Post \in \{0,1\}\), refugee influx occurs in period \(Post = 1\)
  • Two groups: \(B \in \{0,1\}\), \(B=1\) types affected by refugee influx

\[Y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 L + \beta_2 B + \beta_3 Post + \beta_4 LB + \beta_5 L Post + \beta_6 B Post + \beta_7L B Post + \epsilon\]

3.28 Triple differencing

\[\frac{\partial ^3Y}{\partial L \partial B \partial Post} = \beta_7\]

3.29 Can we not just condition on the \(B=1\) types?

The level among the \(B=1\) types is:

\[Y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 L + \beta_2 + \beta_3 Post + \beta_4 L + \beta_5 L Post + \beta_6 Post + \beta_7L Post + \epsilon\] If you did simple before / after differences among the \(B\) types you would get

\[\Delta Y| L = 1, B = 1 = \beta_3 + \beta_5 + \beta_6 + \beta_7\] \[\Delta Y| L = 0, B = 1 = \beta_3 + \beta_6\]

3.30 Can we not just condition on the \(B=1\) types?

And so if you differenced again you would get:

\[\Delta^2 Y| B = 1 = \beta_5 + \beta_7\] So the problem is that you have \(\beta^5\) in here which corresponds exactly to how \(L\) states change over time.

3.31 Triple

But we can figure out \(\beta_5\) by doing a diff in diff among the \(B\)’s.

\[Y|B = 0 = \beta_0 + \beta_1 L + \beta_3 Post + \beta_5 L Post\]

\[\Delta^2 Y| B = 0 = \beta_5\]

3.32 Easier to swallow?

  • The identifying assumption is that absent treatment the differences in trends between \(L=0\) and \(L=1\) would be the same for units with \(B=0\) and \(B=1\).

  • See equation 5.4 in Olden and Møen (2022)

\[ \left(E[Y_0|L=1, B=1, {\textit {Post}}=1] - E[Y_0|L=1, B=1, {\textit {Post}}=0]\right) \\ \quad - \ \left(E[Y_0|L=1, B=0, {\textit {Post}}=1] - E[Y_0|L=1, B=0, {\textit {Post}}=0]\right) \\ = \nonumber \\ \left(E[Y_0|L=0, B=1, {\textit {Post}}=1] - E[Y_0|L=0, B=1, {\textit {Post}}=0]\right) \\ \quad - \ \left(E[Y_0|L=0, B=0, {\textit {Post}}=1] - E[Y_0|L=0, B=0, {\textit {Post}}=0]\right)\]

3.33 Easier to swallow?

  • In a sense this is one parallel trends assumption, not two

  • But there are four counterfactual quantities in this expression.

Puzzle: Is it possible to have an effect identified by a difference in difference but incorrectly by a triple difference design?

4 Regression discontintuity

Errors and diagnostics

4.1 Intuition

  • The core idea in an RDD design is that if a decision rule assigns units that are almost identical to each other to treatment and control conditions then we can infer effects for those cases by looking at those cases.

See excellent introduction: Lee and Lemieux (2010)

4.2 Intuition

  • Kids born on 31 August start school a year younger than kids born on 1 September: does starting younger help or hurt?

  • Kids born on 12 September 1983 are more likely to register Republican than kids born on 10 September 1983: can this identify the effects of registration on long term voting?

  • A district in which Republicans got 50.1% of the vote get a Republican representative while districts in which Republicans got 49.9% of the vote do not: does having a Republican representative make a difference for these districts?

4.3 Argument for identification


  • Typically the decision is based on a value on a “running variable”, \(X\). e.g. Treatment if \(X > 0\)
  • The estimand is \(\mathbb{E}[Y(1) - Y(0)|X=0]\)

Two arguments:

  1. Continuity: \(\mathbb{E}[Y(1)|X=x]\) and \(\mathbb{E}[Y(0)|X=x]\) are continuous (at \(x=0\)) in \(x\): so \(\lim_{\hat x \rightarrow 0}\mathbb{E}[Y(0)|X=\hat x] = \mathbb{E}[Y(0)|X=\hat 0]\)

  2. Local randomization: tiny things that determine exact values of \(x\) are as if random and so we can think of a local experiment around \(X=0\).

4.4 Argument for identification


  • continuity argument requires continuous \(x\): granularity
  • also builds off a conditional expectation function defined at \(X=0\)

Exclusion restriction is implicit in continuity: If something else happens at the threshold then the conditional expectation functions jump at the thresholds

Implicit: \(X\) is exogenous in the sense that units cannot adjust \(X\) in order to be on one or the other side of the threshold

4.5 Evidence

Typically researchers show:

  1. “First stage” results: assignment to treatment does indeed jump at the threshold
  2. “ITT”: outcomes jump at the threshold
  3. LATE (if fuzzy / imperfect compliance) using IV

4.6 Evidence

Typically researchers show:

In addition:

  1. Arguments for no other treatments at the threshold
  2. Arguments for no “sorting” at the threshold
  3. Evidence for no “heaping” at the threshold (McCrary density test)


  • argue for why estimates extend beyond the threshold
  • exclude points at the threshold (!)

4.7 Design

library(rdss) # for helper functions

cutoff <- 0.5
bandwidth <- 0.5

control <- function(X) {
  as.vector(poly(X, 4, raw = TRUE) %*% c(.7, -.8, .5, 1))}
treatment <- function(X) {
  as.vector(poly(X, 4, raw = TRUE) %*% c(0, -1.5, .5, .8)) + .25}

rdd_design <-
    N = 1000,
    U = rnorm(N, 0, 0.1),
    X = runif(N, 0, 1) + U - cutoff,
    D = 1 * (X > 0),
    Y_D_0 = control(X) + U,
    Y_D_1 = treatment(X) + U
  ) +
  declare_inquiry(LATE = treatment(0) - control(0)) +
  declare_measurement(Y = reveal_outcomes(Y ~ D)) + 
  declare_sampling(S = X > -bandwidth & X < bandwidth) +
  declare_estimator(Y ~ D*X, term = "D", label = "lm") + 
    Y, X, 
    term = "Bias-Corrected",
    .method = rdrobust_helper,
    label = "optimal"

4.8 RDD Data plotted

Note rdrobust implements:

  • local polynomial Regression Discontinuity (RD) point estimators
  • robust bias-corrected confidence intervals

See Calonico, Cattaneo, and Titiunik (2014) and related papers ? rdrobust::rdrobust

4.9 RDD Data plotted

rdd_design  |> draw_data() |> ggplot(aes(X, Y, color = factor(D))) + 
  geom_point(alpha = .3) + theme_bw() +
  geom_smooth(aes(X, Y_D_0)) + geom_smooth(aes(X, Y_D_1)) + theme(legend.position = "none")

4.10 RDD diagnosis

rdd_design |> diagnose_design()
Estimator Mean Estimate Bias SD Estimate Coverage
lm 0.23 -0.02 0.01 0.64
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.02)
optimal 0.25 0.00 0.03 0.89
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.01)

4.11 Bandwidth tradeoff

rdd_design |> 
  redesign(bandwidth = seq(from = 0.05, to = 0.5, by = 0.05)) |> 
  • As we increase the bandwidth, the lm bias gets worse, but slowly, while the error falls.
  • The best bandwidth is relatively wide.
  • This is more true for the optimal estimator.

4.12 Geographic RDs

Are popular in political science:

  • Put a lot of pressure on assumption of no alternative treatment—including “random” country level shocks!
  • Put a lot of pressure on no sorting assumptions (why was the border put where it was; why did units settle here or there?)
  • Put a lot of pressure on SUTVA: people on one side are literally proximate to people on another

See Keele and Titiunik (2015)

5 Mediation

5.1 The problem of unidentified mediators

  • Consider a causal system like the below.
  • The effect of X on M1 and M2 can be measured in the usual way.
  • But unfortunately, if there are multiple mediators, the effect of M1 (or M2) on Y is not identified.
  • The ‘exclusion restriction’ is obviously violated when there are multiple mediators (unless you can account for them all).

5.2 The problem of unidentified mediators

Which effects are identified by the random assignment of \(X\)?

5.3 The problem of unidentified mediators

An obvious approach is to first examine the (average) effect of X on M1 and then use another manipulation to examine the (average) effect of M1 on Y.

  • But both of these average effects may be positive (for example) even if there is no effect of X on Y through M1.

5.4 The problem of unidentified mediators

An obvious approach is to first examine the (average) effect of X on M1 and then use another manipulation to examine the (average) effect of M1 on Y.

  • Similarly both of these average effects may be zero even if X affects on Y through M1 for every unit!

5.5 The problem of unidentified mediators

Both instances of unobserved confounding between \(M\) and \(Y\):

5.6 The problem of unidentified mediators

Both instances of unobserved confounding between \(M\) and \(Y\):

5.7 The problem of unidentified mediators

  • Another somewhat obvious approach is to see how the effect of \(X\) on \(Y\) in a regression is reduced when you control for \(M\).

  • If the effect of \(X\) on \(Y\) passes through \(M\) then surely there should be no effect of \(X\) on \(Y\) after you control for \(M\).

  • This common strategy associated with Baron and Kenny (1986) is also not guaranteed to produce reliable results. See for instance Green, Ha, and Bullock (2010)

5.8 Baron Kenny issues

df <- fabricate(N = 1000, 
                U = rbinom(N, 1, .5),     X = rbinom(N, 1, .5),
                M = ifelse(U==1, X, 1-X), Y = ifelse(U==1, M, 1-M)) 
list(lm(Y ~ X, data = df), 
     lm(Y ~ X + M, data = df)) |> texreg::htmlreg() 
Statistical models
  Model 1 Model 2
(Intercept) 0.00*** 0.00***
  (0.00) (0.00)
X 1.00*** 1.00***
  (0.00) (0.00)
M   0.00
R2 1.00 1.00
Adj. R2 1.00 1.00
Num. obs. 1000 1000
***p < 0.001; **p < 0.01; *p < 0.05

5.9 The problem of unidentified mediators

  • See Imai on better ways to think about this problem and designs to address it.

5.10 The problem of unidentified mediators: Quantities

  • Using potential outcomeswe can describe a mediation effect as (see Imai et al): \[\delta_i(t) = Y_i(t, M_i(1)) - Y_i(t, M_i(0)) \textbf{ for } t = 0,1\]
  • The direct effect is: \[\psi_i(t) = Y_i(1, M_i(t)) - Y_i(0, M_i(t)) \textbf{ for } t = 0,1\]
  • This is a decomposition, since: \[Y_i(1, M_i(1)) - Y_1(0, M_i(0)) = \frac{1}{2}(\delta_i(1) + \delta_i(0) + \psi_i(1) + \psi_i(0)) \]
  • If there are no interaction effects—ie \(\delta_i(1) = \delta_i(0), \psi_i(1) = \psi_i(0)\), then \[Y_i(1, M_i(1)) - Y_1(0, M_i(0)) = \delta_i + \psi_i\]

5.11 The problem of unidentified mediators: Solutions?

The bad news is that although a single experiment might identify the total effect, it can not identify these elements of the direct effect.


  • Check formal requirement for identification under single experiment design (“sequential ignorability”—that, conditional on actual treatment, it is as if the value of the mediation variable is randomly assigned relative to potential outcomes). But this is strong (and in fact unverifiable) and if it does not hold, bounds on effects always include zero (Imai et al)

  • Consider sensitivity analyses

5.12 Implicit mediation

You can use interactions with covariates if you are willing to make assumptions on no heterogeneity of direct treatment effects over covariates.

eg you think that money makes people get to work faster because they can buy better cars; you look at the marginal effect of more money on time to work for people with and without cars and find it higher for the latter.

This might imply mediation through transport but only if there is no direct effect heterogeneity (eg people with cars are less motivated by money).

5.13 The problem of unidentified mediators: Solutions?

Weaker assumptions justify parallel design

  • Group A: \(T\) is randomly assigned, \(M\) left free.
  • Group B: divided into four groups \(T\times M\) (requires two more assumptions (1) that the manipulation of the mediator only affects outcomes through the mediator (2) no interaction, for each unit, \(Y(1,m)-Y(0,m) = Y(1,m')-Y(0,m')\).)

Takeaway: Understanding mechanisms is harder than you think. Figure out what assumptions fly.

5.14 In CausalQueries

Lets imagine that sequential ignorability does not hold. What are our posteriors on mediation quantities when in fact all effects are mediated, effects are strong, and we have lots of data?

model <- make_model("X -> M ->Y <- X; M <-> Y")


5.15 In CausalQueries

We imagine a true model and consider estimands:

truth <- make_model("X -> M ->Y") |> 
  set_parameters(c(.5, .5, .1, 0, .8, .1, .1, 0, .8, .1))

queries  <- 
      indirect = "Y[X = 1, M = M[X=1]] - Y[X = 1, M = M[X=0]]",
      direct = "Y[X = 1, M = M[X=0]] - Y[X = 0, M = M[X=0]]"

truth |> query_model(queries) |> kable()
label query given using case_level mean sd cred.low cred.high
indirect Y[X = 1, M = M[X=1]] - Y[X = 1, M = M[X=0]] - parameters FALSE 0.64 NA 0.64 0.64
direct Y[X = 1, M = M[X=0]] - Y[X = 0, M = M[X=0]] - parameters FALSE 0.00 NA 0.00 0.00

5.16 In CausalQueries

model |> update_model(data = truth |> make_data(n = 1000)) |>
  query_distribution(queries = queries, using = "posteriors") 
Error in if (parent_nodes == "") {: argument is of length zero

Why such poor behavior? Why isn’t weight going onto indirect effects?

Turns out the data is consistent with direct effects only: specifically that whenever \(M\) is responsive to \(X\), \(Y\) is responsive to \(X\).

5.17 In CausalQueries

Error in if (parent_nodes == "") {: argument is of length zero
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